Monday, March 28, 2005

No text in kontact's icons pane

My friend from PLD asked me for a patch to allow hiding text in kontact's icons pane. It just took a little too much space. Here's the result:

Large icons
With TextWithout Text
Large icons with textLarge icons without text

Normal icons
With TextWithout Text
Normal icons with textNormal icons without text

Small icons
With TextWithout Text
Small icons with textSmall icons without text

No icons
With TextWithout Text
No icons with textNo icons without text

When showing only textWhen showing icons and text is hiddenWhen showing icons text is shown
When showing only textWhen showing icons and text is hiddenWhen showing icons and text is shown

This patch also prevents the user from setting both Only Text and Hide Text, this way we always have some indicators on the icons pane. The drawback of this patch is that it depends on which is the highest IconSize value, because i was unable to make the KPopupMenu take negative values properly. Instead of -3 it took some weird -700sth. And there was no point in making a submenu for it. If anyone knows how to do it with negative numbers or without relying on the IconSize value, please let me know.

Patch version: 1.3 and its webcvs page. Apply it in your kdepim's checkout's root directory with

patch -p1 < kdepim-iconsidepane-showtext.diff